“Workers’fired‘ with a simple whatsapp inside the establishment Yokohama of Tivoli”. The general secretary of Filt Cgil Rieti Roma Est reported this Roberto Terziani announcing that the union “will be at the side of the workers left at home without work and without a salary by activating, immediately, every action of struggle necessary including the proclamation of a first day of strike with a picket in front of the factory on September 2nd”.
In the historic former tire factory Pirelli and former Trelleborg of Tivoli, now of the multinational Yokohama, explains the trade unionist, “the workers of the cooperative are suspended from work and consequently from pay for an indefinite period of time, with consequent repercussions on the livelihood of their families. This condition inevitably generates strong concern, for the contents and methods, in all the workers who work under contract at the Yokohama production site in Tivoli”. Furthermore, Terziani notes, “we have received news of some new hiring within the consortium and/or cooperatives that operate under contract to presumably carry out the work no longer performed by unpaid workers. A possible anomalous ‘turnover‘ which would replace these ‘fired’ workers to hire other workers who are subjected to less protected contractual conditions, fewer rights and less salary”.
“You can’t fire 15 workers via WhatsApp,” he comments Arthur Scottleader of the Democratic Party in the Montecitorio Labor Committee. “This is what unfortunately happened in the Yokohama company in Tivoli on August 23. From one day to the next and without even a preliminary discussion with the union, they are thrown out of work and left without a salary. This is what the multinational that acquired the old Pirelli plant decided to do disregarding the National Collective Agreement and proceeding to hire other workers without the same guarantees. We will ask with aparliamentary question to the government to open an immediate crisis table and make the company withdraw from the layoffs. In Italy there are laws that protect workers who must be notified with times and methods other than a simple text message. Here we are faced with an unacceptable abuse that must be strongly stigmatized”.
The article Filt Cgil: “Workers fired via Whatsapp in the Yokohama factory in Tivoli”. The Democratic Party announces a parliamentary question comes from The Daily Fact.
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