After a challenging first season at the helm of Afternoon 5 on Channel 5, Myrta Merlin she feels satisfied with the path she has taken. She herself admits it, in an interview with the weekly Whoin which he takes stock of the past months and – while enjoying some well-deserved rest in Pantelleria – recalls the difficulties encountered in the transition from La7 to Mediaset.”It was hard, in a world far from me, with many enemies, but I kept the course straight”, Merlino declared, underlining her determination to carry forward her journalistic vision. The challenge of addressing a different audience, that of the afternoon of Canale 5, led her to discover new aspects of herself and to put herself on the line in a more profound way: “I let myself be guided by my heart and I had the confirmation that many people needed that testimony to find the courage to face the same path,” he added.
In the interview, Merlino also talked about his private life, in particular his relationship with the former footballer Mark Tardelli. “He is a resolved man who, in life, has had a lot and, for this reason, he is serene, at peace with himself,” said the journalist. “Doing a neurotic job there is always tension and having a man who transmits solidity to me, who is my rock, makes me feel good”. Merlino described Tardelli as a charming man, but also modest about his physical appearance. “If you ask him he will tell you that he doesn’t want to see his photos as a boy, because it was more beautiful,” he revealed. “I I find him a very handsome man for his age and I like his maturity, he transmits serenity and security to me.”
The presenter then underlined the importance of the maturity and serenity that Tardelli transmits to her, qualities that she particularly appreciates in her partner: “He is a resolved man who, in life, has had a lot and, for this reason, he is serene, at peace with himself, things that I would not have found in Marco at 30 and that I found in Marco at 60“, concluded Merlin.
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