Palestinian Olympic Committee chief stopped by Israel on return from Games: searched, passport confiscated

Jibril Rajoub71-year-old head of the Palestinian Olympic Committee, was stopped by Israeli authorities on his return from the Paris Games, while he was on his way to the West Bank. According to the agency WafaRajoub, who is also the president of the Palestinian Football Federation and a member of the Central Committee of Fatah (the social democratic party founded by Yasser Arafat), as well as a former PLO fighter, was searched and summoned for questioning at the military complex of Offernear Ramallah. His passport was confiscated.

Imprisoned during the first intifada, Rajoub is the Fatah leader who has maintained the strongest relations with the Hamas leadersLast June he had presented a motion to FIFA to ask that the Israeli national team be suspended from competitions “for the violation of international laws committed in Palestine”. A similar request had been presented to the IOC, the International Olympic Committee.

The article Palestinian Olympic Committee chief stopped by Israel on return from Games: searched, passport confiscated comes from The Daily Fact.

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