“Armed” with a marker, a passerby repainted the mural dedicated to Paola Egonu, new Olympic champion and MVP of the tournament volleyball to Paris, vandalized in the night. The work of the street artist Laika has therefore returned to its original color, including the writing that appeared on the ball “Stop Racism”. “Thank you Laika” the message left on the wall by the passerby and dedicated to the Roman artist who, on her social media, launched a survey to paint this time the entire wall in front of the CONI headquarters in Rome.
By making her work public, Laika had sent a message against all forms of racism. “In our country there is no more room for xenophobia, racism, hatred and intolerance. Racism is a social plague that must be defeated. Doing it also through sport is very important. I believe in a future of inclusiveness, acceptance and respect for human rights. Being represented by athletes like Paola Egonu, Myriam Sylla, Ekaterina Antropova is an honor. Seeing them with the most precious medal of the Olympic games around their necks, while they sing the Italian anthem with emotion is an immense joy. I dedicate this poster to all the Italians not recognized as such by our state”.
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