A vast fire It developed in the afternoon in the south-west area of Rome between the ring road, the Fosso della Magliana and via della Pisana. The fire started from a car set on fire which burned the vegetation for several hectares and finally grazed some houses and the Hydromania water park. The park on Via Casale Lumbroso, populated by hundreds of people, also considering that in the capital temperatures are touching 40 degrees, it was cleared out as well as some dwelling in Rifredi Street, where the flames destroyed several cars that were in a parking lot. In this street 118 has set up an assistance center for the many people who remained intoxicated from smoking. Smoke which has also created significant problems for the traffic of the area. The firefighters, who intervened with several vehicles and tankers, as well as the civil protection, had a hard time to contain the fire, swollen by a strong hot wind. Firefighters also intervened to put out the flames two Helicopters of the Lazio Region.
Only in the late afternoon did the emergency situation resolve, even if the rescue operations continued. shutdown And reclamation. Investigations are underway by the police to understand who burned the car that started the fire and to verify any other causes. But it is not the only fire that has affected the same area of the city. Also in via della Pisana in the late afternoon a pyre at the height of the headquarters of the Lazio Regional Council. In this case too, traffic was limited, both for private and public vehicles, while via Rifredi and via del Fosso della Magliana and other nearby streets remained closed to traffic. In the evening, traffic returned to normal. normality the traffic situation between Vicolo del Casale Lumbroso and the ring road, next to the water amusement park. Overall in Rome during the day there were nine fires, one too Trigoria. And the moments of tension for the inhabitants of the Pisana area have revived the fear of a few weeks ago, when the Monte Mario park had been affected by a fire which led to the evacuation of homes and even of the Rai headquarters, causing a blanket of ash, with pine trees and undergrowth destroyed. A huge fire on which they are investigations underway and for which a malicious origin is not excluded.
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