Women in the toga “unstable”, PD questions Bernini on Gazzoni’s manual: “Avoid jurists being trained on these unconstitutional theses”

The Democratic Party group in the Chamber has presented ainterrogation to the Minister of Universities Anna Maria Bernini on the case – lifted from the fattoquotidiano.it – of the Private Law Manual Of Francesco Gazzonilawyer and retired full professor at the Sapienza University of Rome, in whose latest edition magistrates are defined as “psycholabile” and the female judges “unstable in judgments on the merits in matters of family and children“. “These are words that manifest theories blatantly sexist and which present a obvious prejudice towards the magistrates”, we read in the preamble to the question, presented by the Democratic Justice Commissioner Debora Serracchiani and signed by the deputies Michela Di Biase, Federico Gianassi, Sara Ferrari, Antonella Forattini, Valentina Ghio, Marco Lacarra, Stefania Marino, Ilenia Malavasi and Irene Manzi. Gazzoni’s theses, the honourable members write, “leave astonished as they are contained within a manual aimed at law students and therefore with an objective clearly formative“: therefore, “while maintaining the indisputable principle of autonomy within the university also in the adoption of texts, a a question of opportunity“. The question therefore asks Bernini to know “what initiatives, within his competence, he intends to take regarding the use of the text in question to avoid such theses far from the constitutional principles can constitute an educational background for future generations of jurists”.

The preamble to the act also mentions the very tough position taken by theNational Association of Magistrates (the representative body of judges and prosecutors) also anticipated to our newspaper by the president Joseph Santalucia: “Expressions misogynist and of stupid mockery of the judiciary, which we are bitterly surprised to read in a text dedicated above all to the training of young jurists. Expressions which at the same time they debase and outragemortifying those who thought them, those who wrote them and those who thought to publish them”, she had defined them. The following day, the condemnation also arrived from the Association of Italian Women Magistrates (Admi) with a note signed by its president, the Bari PM Isabella Ginefraaccording to which Gazzoni’s statements “are even more serious and dangerous because they come from an academic, albeit a long-retired one, and are, evidently, the expression of a male chauvinist culturesteeped in gender stereotypes, which denigrate, delegitimize but also they mock and offend the entire judiciary and, above all, that part of the female component daily engaged in dealing with delicate proceedings that touch on the personal and very personal rights of citizens, generating in readers and, what is more serious, in students, a distorted vision of the exercise of jurisdiction”.

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