Banksy is back. One of the most famous street artists in the world has chosen London for his return in style with four works in four days. From August 5 to 8, the artist, whose identity is shrouded in mystery, published a series of images on his Instagram profile, thus revealing his works to the public.
The first of three works that have appeared around London is a drawing that appears to portray a ibex balancing on a pillar while observing some fallen rocks. A little further on, a CCTV cameramoved specifically by the author, as he writes BBC. The work has no title or description. So it’s up to users to give their own interpretation. “The camera is pointing at the falling rocks, rather than what’s causing them to fall,” wrote one user. “Ibex are good at climbing narrow ledges, so they’re not in danger, but the camera’s limited view doesn’t give a full picture. So, I guess it’s referring to the need to understand that news needs context before expressing an opinion.”
The second work represents two elephants: drawn in two different windows, they almost seem to want to touch each other with their trunks between one window and the other. In the photo posted by the artist, there is also a womanwalking with a dog, who passes on the sidewalk without caring of the above work. Again, users have had fun with the possible interpretation of the work. “You walk alongside it and ignore the ‘elephant in the room’… Perfect representation of the UK at this time,” wrote one user, insisting on the metaphorical meaning of the expression, which is used when there is a truth that is ignored or minimized.
The third work published by Banksy portrays some chimpanzee that yes move on an imaginary branchclimbing. The artist has chosen Brick Lane for his work. And, in this case, a user notes how the other works can also be linked to each other: “One animal, isolated and without help; two animals, taking care of each other; three animals, can we overcome difficulties together?“. While someone else points out how the environment protection may be the central theme of all three works.
Then there is one last work made public today, August 8th. The artist posted a night shot with the drawing of a wolf That howlstaken above the satellite dish of what appears to be a shop. Again, a woman is included in the shot.
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