No prison for white-collar criminals with no criminal record. The new politician-saving proposalcontained in a first-signature agenda Enrico Costa, it was voted on today in the Chamber of Deputies. TO favor the majority parties voted in addition to Action And Italy Alive. Costa’s text commits The government to evaluate a regulatory intervention aimed at reshaping the rules on pre-trial detention, providing that arrests for the risk of repetition of the crime (the most frequent precautionary requirement) can be ordered against people with no criminal record “only for crimes of serious social alarm and for crimes that put public or private safety or the safety of people at risk”. Therefore, not for white-collar crimes such as corruption.
The he intercepted the minister’s deputies Charles Nordio after a summit held at Palazzo Chigi, in the presence of Prime Minister Meloni, on the issue of the prison emergency. The agenda ‘commits the government’. This is the formula. Now, after the vote in the Chamber of Deputies, the government will translate this commitment into a rule in favor of the caste? “There is undoubtedly a sensitivity to review certain parameters relating to precautionary measures”, states the vice-minister of justice, Francis Paul Sixtus. During the debate in the Montecitorio chamber, Valentina Orso of the 5 Star Movement accused the majority government: “Your priority is only to save white-collar criminals from prison”.
“We have the problem of prison overcrowding which is due in large part to the excess of precautionary measures, certainly not only those relating to the risk of repetition, but it is a problem that needs to be addressed” replies Sisto, who first states that “there is no doubt that corruption for white-collar workers is a serious crime”, but then adds “however, it is clear that there are areas in which the seriousness can be classified with particular characteristics”.
Bonelli, in the Chamber, summarizes as follows: “Whoever is accused of corruption has a treatmentwho is accused of selling ten grams Of smoke he goes to prison, this is the your justice”. It is inevitable not to think that the agenda is connected and tailor-made to what happened to the governor of Liguria, John Toti. But for Boschi of Italia Viva, who supported Enrico Costa’s initiative, this “is independent of the judicial events of these days of current political events”. And yet the suspicion remains. Sisto denies any connection. “The ad personam rules I think they did the their time”. The Democrat Marco Lacarra says to the majority and the government: “If you want to change the rule on the requirements for the application of the precautionary measure, no one is stopping you from doing so, but not through an agenda. Not even you are convinced that those requirements should be changed”.
Will the government change them, then? “Any intelligent government constantly questions itself about precautionary measures, because on the one hand they are very important, on the other they must always have the least possible negative impact on the principle of innocence” states, without answering, the Undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro which is more clear on another proposal of these days, proposed by the deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini, that of a “shield for governors”. “The shields are exceptions to the rules that must be the same for everyone”, he concludes.
The article No prison for white-collar criminals with no criminal record, Sisto and Delmastro: “Costa’s proposal is not a law that saves Toti” From Daily fact.
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