“During 2025, both the related sectors, both Stellantis will exhaust the social safety netsIf we don’t intervene in time there will be mass layoffs“, the alarm was raised by the general secretary of Fim Cisl, Ferdinand Uliano, which estimates, if things do not change, “at least 12 thousand jobs at risk in the Stellantis factories and as many, if not more, in the component factories”. The limit for using the redundancy fund is three years andin many cases even the derogations have now been used. The warning from Cisl comes less than 24 hours before the conclusion of the umpteenth round table on the car at the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (Mimit), in which Minister Urso once again accused Stellantis of not having so far respected the commitments made regarding an increase in production volumes in our country.
“We have repeatedly urged the ministries involved, Mimit and Labour, but they have not yet given any answers. With different timescales, there are many companies, in addition to Stellantis, where the shock absorbers will end in 2025. Additional resources need to be allocated“, explains Uliano. “The protocol for the sector – continues the general secretary of Fim Cisl – must address all these themes, shock absorbers, training, relocation, industrial reconversion, costs. There is also the issue of how to accompany the industrial supply chain. A meeting like the one at the Automotive Table would have been useful if it had led to the signing of this protocol. Unfortunately, after a year, this is not the case. I think that the situation we are facing in the sector is complex and must be approached in a systematic way, otherwise it will fail”. It is worth remembering how the Stellantis group, in which Agnelli Elkann family is still the largest shareholder through the Dutch holding company Exor, closed 2023 with profits of 18.6 billion euros and distributed 6.6 billion euros to members.
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