Palermo, 2 August (Adnkronos) – A broken fibula, the hospital lacks splints to block the fracture, in the end cardboard and adhesive tape are used. It would have happened at the Barone Romeo hospital in Patti, in the Messina area. The regional health department of Sicily has ordered an urgent inspection of the hospital. While the Patti prosecutor’s office, as Adnkronos has learned, has opened an investigation file.
The injured man is a thirty-year-old who, after an accident, went with his father to the emergency room and after waiting from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., as he himself says, when it was time to use the splint the doctors took a packing cardboard box. And the father published a post on Facebook addressing the President of the Region Renato Schifani. Who, having learned of the story, immediately called the father of the injured boy apologizing.
“Having learned of these serious facts from the newspapers – says Councilor Giovanna Volo – I took immediate action, in full agreement with President Schifani, to ascertain their origin and verify any failure to comply with the procedures set out in the protocols. After having heard from the top management of the Messina health authority, I gave the Department of Health Activities of the Department, led by General Manager Salvatore Requirez, the mandate to proceed with an inspection intervention as a matter of urgency. This will be carried out in the next few hours and the results will be reported to me in order to verify any responsibilities and adopt appropriate measures to overcome the critical issues identified”.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Patti (Messina), as Adnkronos has learned, has opened an investigation file into the incident that occurred at the hospital in Patti. For the moment it is a so-called ‘model 45’, that is, the one in which the prosecutors insert facts that are not considered a crime and which, consequently, do not include people under investigation. But in the next few days it could change and the prosecutors could investigate for failures to act, at the moment it is only a hypothesis.
“Using cardboard to block a fracture is doing what you can with the means available. We cannot blame our colleagues and operators” at the Barone Romeo hospital in Patti (Messina) “but I think it is serious that the administration has not made proper planning on basic and low-cost devices. In this case, the doctors have made up for structural deficiencies”. This is what Alberto Momoli, president of Siot (Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology), told Adnkronos Salute.
“I am not a politician – adds the president of Siot – but it is my job to ensure that all orthopedic facilities in Italy have the same opportunities to assist patients. It is clear that this is yet another episode that demonstrates how professionals are often left alone at the border without means”. On the idea of using cardboard, “the operators did what they could, in the past preformed ‘cardboard’ was used but certainly not the type seen in the photo”, he clarifies.
“Those who work in health facilities that serve tourist resorts know well that orthopedic traumas increase in the summer – concludes Momoli – So it seems clear to me that there has been a lack of planning in this sense”.
“The incredible story of the hospital in Patti is the perfect litmus test of the disaster in which Sicilian healthcare finds itself. In which, in the face of the self-denial, professionalism and undeniable art of making do of doctors and healthcare workers, the absolute organizational and managerial inadequacy of healthcare managers and consequently of those who wanted and appointed them clearly emerges. That now the president of the Region is surprised and appoints an inspection is not enough and cannot be enough”, declares the regional secretary of the Pd Sicily, Anthony Barbagallo.
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