The alliances of the future, the limit to the double mandate but also the symbol. After the letter of Beppe Grillo who asked to brake on the discussion about the rulesnot only does Giuseppe Conte not take any steps back, but he announces that the 5 Star Assembly will even be a “revolutionary constituent process”. At the end of the National Council of the Movement, the leader himself confirmed that we will move on and that the entire M5S structure will be called into question.
At the direct question of the journalists, at the end of the meeting, if the Assembly of October 4th will be able to decide on double mandate, symbol and alliances, Conte replied: “The Assembly is constituent and will be able to decide. All issues will be raised that are dear to our members and also to our supporters. We will not avoid the debate”. And again: “The statutethe Charter of Principles and Values may also be integrated. We will discuss everything”.
Alliances and double mandate – Will be the assemblytherefore, having to decide on future alliances, starting with the possible dialogue with Pd. But on the table of the new body there will also be the question of two-term limitwhich has often caused deep divisions within the 5 Star Movement. Even between Conte himself and Grillo. Regarding the differences of opinion with the guarantor, the former prime minister did not deny the distances: “With Cricket we have always felt and will continue to feel,” he said. “We have a different vision, you saw in the exchange of letters, but obviously this constituent process will not stop. Grillo is the founder and currently the guarantor, no one can take this role away from him. But now Grillo doesn’t count, Conte doesn’t count, what counts are the members and supporters who will re-oxygenate the Movement and relaunch it”.
“Let’s fight abstentionism” – The M5S leader then gave some indiscretions on how he imagines the next steps: “Never has a political force, a party, questioned itself in this way, courageously,” he said.We will give the floor to all members and supporters to develop new solutions, new strategic objectives to which the Movement will dedicate itself in the years to come. It will be a great participation, participatory democracy, the members and supporters themselves will suggest proposals and solutions. They will discuss them and we will then bring them to the final assembly”. And he added: “We also trust in this way to counter the sign of abstentionism that is growing more and more. You have also seen with the Differentiated Autonomy: when we call citizens to discuss real and important issues, citizens respond effectively. We have reached 500 thousand signatures against the law on Differentiated Autonomy in just a few days. It will be a great bath of participation to recover the sense of a political commitment, of a participation in a shared destiny”.
“A three-phase journey” – Details on how it will take place the assembly are contained in a press release issued at the end of the National Councilwhich approved procedures and future stages. “This path will have the objective of opening up to the participation of all, members and supporters, providing the essential information for an informed and structured discussion that can stimulate shared and effective solutions. For this reason, the process will not be governed from the current political leadership of the 5 Star Movementbut will be coordinated by a group of experts who will act as facilitator with the aim of making the process fully transparent”, the Movement informs, explaining that they have relied on the collaboration of Avventura Urbana, an external company active in the management of complex processes. There will be three phases of this process: “The first listening phase will kick off the participatory processwith the involvement of the entire political community of the Movement, composed not only of members but also of all citizens who share the Charter of Principles and Values of the Movement”. Then we will move on to the second phase which “will be organised over several days and entrusted to a stratified sample of 300 representative participants of the entire base, to ensure a fruitful and in-depth dialogue. Participants will be identified according to three stratification criteria: gender, age group and residence by macro-geographical area”. Finally, we will arrive at the last phase, the Constituent Assembly. “At the end of the deliberative process – the 5 Star Movement always say – a address documentcontaining the most shared solutions, which will be discussed and voted on during the third phase, the Constituent Assembly, composed of members who will be able to participate in the thematic round tables led by elected officials (national and European parliamentarians and territorial councilors)”. The final meeting will arrive in autumn: “Members will be able to participate in person and remotely and everything will end with the vote on the proposals that emerged from the participatory process, with a live vote that will have immediate effects on any changes to the Movement’s Statute and on the political program”.
The article Conte opens the discussion on the key issues of the M5s: “Discussion with members and supporters”. The National Council: “3-phase process” From Daily fact.
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